1 ikk chup, sau sukh 
ਇੱਕ ਚੁੱਪ, ਸੌ ਸੁੱਖ 
(keeping mum once delivers a hundred conveniences/comforts)
Having the last word usually has only a tiny, short-term emotional value. Avoid unnecessary stress & strife by biting your tongue. Let the other side have the hollow emotional non-victory.
2 Be careful who you trust and what you believe. There are people who'll try to take advantage of you, and others who're just wrong.
3 It ain't what you don't know, but what you know that just ain't so. Changing already established beliefs is much harder than acquiring a new belief. Pay attention to the source and their interests/incentives.
4 Show me the incentive and I'll show you the outcome.
Incentives trump ethics, every time.
Incentives & constraints drive behavior. (Carrot/stick)
Extremely powerful tool of critical thinking, helps understand people and organizations.
5 There is no free lunch. Every decision has a tradeoff or cost.
Family and gurdwara are the only places you get something for free.
If you are not paying, you are the product being sold, find out how.
6 Ask, "Why this, why now and who benefits?" Important critical thinking tool! 
7 Despise cheap dopamine. Real satisfaction comes from hard work and accomlishments.
8 Be right on the big decisions. Be wrong small. Mistakes are inevitable. Avoid catastrophic ones. For some decisions, you don't get second chances. Know what these decisions are beforehand. Example: driving drunk.
9 Choices have consequences. Plan for them. Most of the time these consequences are known in advance. E.g. opportunity cost. Some might be surprises. Plan and be prepared to make peace with these consequences and take responsibility for your choices.
10 We suffer more in imagination than in reality. (Seneca) Most fears of ours never come to pass. Notice and redirect your thoughts towards useful ends.
12 Avoid violating any of the 4 Rules of Stupid. From Active Self Protection channel: Don't go to stupid places at stupid times with stupid people to do stupid things. Your risks multiply with each rule violated. Violating 3 or all 4 at the same is really risky and dangerous.
13 Don't send messages or share anything that you wouldn't want to see printed on the front page of the New York Times. The other party may leak your messages or pictures/videos. You cannot control content. Once it's on an electronic device, it is forever stored in data centers.
14 Discard unreasonable limiting beliefs.  
15 Image matters. ABCD: Appearance, behavior, communication skills, digital footprint Dress well. Speak clearly and act with civility at all times. Minimize your digital footprint: use privacy tools, adblockers, fake personal data, throwaway accounts. 
16 Get married before having kids, and stay married. aka "Marry before you carry" for girls.
17 Hard choices, easy life. 
Easy choices, hard life.
Taking the easy road leads to more hardship in future. Take care of problems and hard decisions upfront. Don't kick the can down the road.
Know the opportunity cost of your plans.
19 Compounding and incremental improvements are immensely powerful over time. You rarely ever get a magic bullet. Life is built with incremental improvements over time, and rebuilding after setbacks. Instead of quitting or abandoning ship, work on repairing, rebuilding and improving. Just like wise financial investments, compounding makes all the difference to the vast majority of what matters in life.
20 Know the baseline. Often people will cite statistics to persuade you. Without knowing the baseline level (absolute numbers, historical stats, sample selection info etc), you can be misled by these arguments.
21 Check the y-axis of graphs and charts. Y-axis that does not start at zero misleadingly amplifies differences and trends.
22 Investments: be greedy when other people are fearful and take profits when others are greedy  
23 If feeling down, take a shower or wash your face with cold water. Showering or washing your face with cold water are the easiest ways to break out of a bad state of mind. They are quick, cost nothing and have no negative side effects.
24 Praise in public, criticize in private. Public criticism is humiliating and doesnt't work. Public praise is twice as effective as private praise.
25 Learn the best mental models and practice using them. OODA loop, negative and positive feedback loops, Munger, fs.blog
26 Price is what you pay, value is what you get. Spend/invest money when you are getting much more value thatn the price you're paying.
27 Build your life like a puramid, not a jenga tower.  
28 Avoid permanent solutions to temporary problems or conditions. From Jeff Bezos' Letter to 1997 Shareholders on irreversible (Type 1) vs. reversible (Type 2) decision making: Some decisions are consequential and irreversible or nearly irreversible – one-way doors – and these decisions must be made methodically, carefully, slowly, with great deliberation and consultation.
29 Where you put your attention is where you get the results. (From financial influencer Jaspreet Singh "The Minority Mindset")
30 It's very hard to control the mind with the mind... look towards the body. Physical activity can help you break out of a bad mood or state of mind. Use it. Something as simple as going for a walk or taking a shower will help.
31 Systems are better than goals Sysytems (processes) are habits, routines, recurring activities. They serve you well in the long run, not just for a specific milestone or goal. E.g. learn to be persuasive in general, instead of focusing on one specific party without the general skills of persuasion.